I love how many references they make to the franchise, from them calling each other a Glitch(the cybertronion version of Bitch), to even little easter eggs in the background of other Transformers characters from other continuities(like Transformers Prime(TFP), and the Bayverse films) cause I'm pretty sure that I saw the TFP design of Soundwave and the Bayverse design of Crosshairs kind tucked away in the background at one point somewhere near-ish to the beginning of the movie[ I won't spoil it don't worry (・ω<)].
Now I'll be honest I'm even upset that Chris Hemsworth is the voice of Orion Pax/Optimus Prime because it kinda makes sense to me that he would sound younger; because HE IS younger and by a pretty good amount compared to most media that we see him in; cause if you look up how old Optimus Prime is it says that he is "nine Million" years old, and thats including his years as Orion, and i wanna say that i remember reading that he has been a Prime for the last six million years. so since the movie takes place before the war and Optimus is still Orion at this point its safe to assume that he is only three million years old at this point(transformers live forever OK, so if i had to roughly guestimate his age in human years he is probably somewhere around 23-25, just based on his behavior/mannerisms). so his voice likely just got deeper as he aged, that and the war probably didn't help his voice from getting deeper.
[kinda spoiler but not really]
I just found it funny that I correctly named that the city that the movie opened to was "Iacon"
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i absoulety adore transformers one its such a good movie :333 i hope we can get the sequels
SAME!!! (≧▽≦) I would love to see their take on the rest of the story, i adore their interpretation of it.
by Rosesbones; ; Report
Shack Man
Man, I was supposed to see it tonight but I promised my roommate months ago we'd see it together but she was busy so we couldn't! Now I gotta wait till next week but dude I'm so hype for it
bro it is such a worthwhile movie :D
10/10 would watch again! the pacing is perfect so it doesn't feel slow even in the calmer moments. and the jokes are so funny and the comedic timing of things are top tier.
by Rosesbones; ; Report