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Category: Blogging

9.19.24 - I Love My Friends :3



VOLLEYBALL FRIENDS!!: Today I played a high school volleyball game against my friends' school. My school totally got crushed (their varsity is literally so goated), but it really didn't matter. Because 1) I didn't play (#bench moment) and 2) I MISS THOSE GIRLS SO BAD (。•́︿•̀。) It's a weird thing to explain but they are probably up there as some of my closest (family) friends ever. I met them circa 14-1s to 16-1s club seasons and although this year we are all getting separated onto different teams, I really think we are all gonna stay super close. Or at least I hope 0.0

If you don't play club volleyball or sports in general, just know that those spaces are usually very, VERY competitive. What made my team great is that we all came from really good families with good roots and, unlike a LOT of other teams, really cared about each other. (・∀・) I hear about it all the time from other people talking about how toxic their club teams always are because everyone is constantly fighting for a spot on the court. And as much as I sympathize with those people, I've never had any experience like that. o_0

Like, seriously, we were such a good group of kids that we influenced our (very strict and uptight) coach to stay with us for the next season because we made such a good group. Even if we were never the greatest team in the world, our coach still says that we were some of the greatest kids he's coached. 

I realize this comes off as self-centered/boastful but I really just appreciate my volleyball people. When the last season ended it was very emotional (like us all sobbing together in a circle kind of emotional). It was our coaches last time with us, and surely the last big tournament we would all do together. And after such a stressful season too... (〒﹏〒) After that tournament I did something I've never really done and sent all of my teammates really long essays appreciating each one of them. I'm not sure how many of these people will stay in my life, and I wanted to appreciate them any way I could for the moment. (´;︵;`) (Wow, this is depressing, let's move on!! ^^)

And although I never played in today's game, I got to see my closest friends, and even my old coach! That's a good enough deal for me. 

WORRIED/EXCITED ABOUT CLUB: Speaking of volleyball, I'm very nervous. Or excited. I'm not sure yet. Two of my old teammates moved to a different club, which was a little bit anticipated (they were looking for something new, I get it), but I'm bummed out because I don't really have a pepper-partner now. About three of our teammates were moved onto the 2s, so not totally gone, but I won't see them every day like I used to. And...I have to discuss the mean girls.

Last years 2s team was extremely toxic. They were a big part of the reason why our last season was so stressful and competitive. But now some of those girls are on my team this year. Which has been awkward to say the least. Because, you know... they spent all of last year hating on us and now they are on our team? Yikes. (*_*)

Plus our Coach, although she's nice, is a little infamous... The last time she had a 17-1s team, EVERY PLAYER quit the next year. Maybe that will change because we have this really sweet assistant Coach who will definitely stand up for us if needed. Definitely. She better!! Ó╭╮Ò

I'm done rambling. Sorry to those who have no clue how volleyball works. 

Honestly, neither do I sometimes! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

- KB ☆

SONG OF THE DAY! https://open.spotify.com/track/753pG7rn5FcFcjcn3pot4Z?si=f20bbfab670a432f

(Why Do I Cry- Margo Guryan)

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