so uhm, ig this counts as venting but there's this girl, that's caused me so much trauma. I don't understand how ppl still think she's a victim, after all she's done to me.
-told me to 'jokingly' kms multiple times
-I won't say she made me do this, but I felt pressured to watch yaoi with her. (I didn't, and still don't know how to stand up for myself and say 'i don't like that!11! Bc I'm scared to lose my only friends.) Back when we were friends, she was a fujoshi. She f*tishized gay men. Not to mention she was a pr*sh!pper
-choked me when I said something wrong, digging her thumbs in my throat. On Wednesday a friend jokingly choked me to shut me up but I had a damm panic attack bc I thought it was said girl.
-thrown me to the ground in PE.
-bodyshamed me by calling me a 'bag of bones.' One of the reasons I have a binge eating disorder now.
-pushed and shoved me around when I didn't want to be touched.
-slammed a most likely metal water bottle into my leg bc I accidentally bumped into her. I was limping for like a week bc a bruise formed.
-told almost everyone I knew that I was a 'furry' back when I identified as a therian. (Someone who is spiritually connected to animals) I was bullied out of it.
-she tried to gr0p3 my ass once in PE. (She ended up gr0p!ng my friends instead.)
-kept calling me emo when here she is, dressing emo aswell?? How funny! The emos will never allow such a sick bitch in our culture, you poser</3
-this may not have been her but I have a big gut feeling it was. Someone made a spotify account using MY FACE, with the name 'FUCKYOUFURRY.' but idk gang. The profile photos down now bc my mom contacted spotify n alldat.
if she takes any more fucking action we're pressing legal charges against her. This girl has caused me too much trauma. And I am NOT transferring schools bc our orchestra program is one of the best??? Idk that's js my opinion. We have A LOT of trophies. I'm not letting girl drama get in the way of my MUSIC EDUCATION. aka my future goal. Major in music education.
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@W P00R U! 1 H0P3 U D0ING G00D (T_T)
oh ofc I'm doing a lot better, I've moved on n stuff I just don't know if all this can be considered traumatic ?
by freakazoid 👾; ; Report
⭐️V4MP TW33K⭐️
I won’t say her name but I know exactly who it is..! I’m so sorry for the way she treats/ treated you. You’re a person or whatever you want to be! And you deserve respect! Just know that your friends are here for you and I will stick by your side! No Matter what the heck happens
Mhm. It sucked tbh
by freakazoid 👾; ; Report
Yeah, I’m so unlucky
she’s in my second period
by ⭐️V4MP TW33K⭐️; ; Report
by Ꮶ45Ꭾ3Ꮢ; ; Report
it's disgusting.
by freakazoid 👾; ; Report