Okay hiii i won’t go into detail on school today cus that’s just boring xD the interesting stuff happened after
So i went to a meeting for tech crew for my school’s drama club and I’m pretty excited to be doing it! I rlly want to help design/paint set pieces so i hope I’m able to join tech :))
then after the meeting i went home for a few hours and then went to my school’s football game we were having and it was okay …. I went with my friends and of course i love them sooo much but they have way more friends than me and we don’t share those friends so i was kinda just. Standing around & being awkward while they talked to these random ppl xDD
I was having a pretty good time tho awkward interactions aside but then my friend said something that kind of ruined my mood for the night … i love her to pieces and I know she didn’t say it to hurt my feelings on purpose (i don’t think she knew it would even hurt me) but regardless it hurt my feelings haha… so after that i was just kinda zoning out and just wishing i could go home… it had literally only been an hour since the game started!! But my mom is awesome and picked me up and ordered pizza when i got home
I’m still kinda upset but music and writing is making me feel soo much better ! Hope u had a great day!
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