LEE's profile picture

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Category: Life

More questions

Wanted to do more of these questions 'cause I'm bored. Bite me.

1. What do you like to be called? 

Lee, or Sparky. Either of those.

2. Favorite animal?

Hard to pick. I like cats, but that feels basic. 

3. Favorite color?

Red. Cherry red, or crimson, or whatever. I like red.

4. Cookies or cake?

Cookies. They're way more versatile and you can do more with them than you can with cake. 

5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl. 

6. Favorite pattern?

Hard to pick between camo, stripes, and houndstooth.

7. Do you love anyone?

My girlfriend. (Love you, Marcy <3)

8. Are you a jealous person?

Sometimes. It depends. 

9. Are you protective?

Usually. Again, it depends.

10. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Cats, definitely. But I like small dogs like Chihuahuas as well. My childhood dog was a rat terrier mixed with a chihuahua, named Lulu. She had to be put down in 2021.

11. If you could pick one drink to stick to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Water. That's the one thing you can never really get sick of. I don't really like carbonated junk anyways unless it's a special occasion or I'm having soda with friends.

12. If you could pick one food to stick to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Very difficult choice. I can't decide between mac and cheese, bacon, or peaches.

13. Do you like rock music and metal?


14. What's your favorite thing to draw (if you draw)?

Usually fanart, but it fluctuates. 

15. How did you come up with your username?

I had an old toy dinosaur called Sparky when I was very little, and I based my first internet username (sparky0900) off of that. It just stuck, I guess.

16. Do you sing?

No, I'm not good.

17. Do you dance?

No again.

18. When's the last time you cried?

This morning.

19. Where are you writing this?

My desk, on a laptop.

20. Favorite emoticon?


Tell me if you do these too. They aren't my questions so they are free to use.

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