Crazy Roomate

Guys, I know I complaining a lot about home but I'm over that phase now. Recently my roommate has done smth weird. So he left the dorm like any day and when he comes back bro is still fine, it's where after he eats. so first he's gonna paint grabs a canvas and all the stuff, then he starts pressing on the brushes hard cool ig? Than he waves it around to try to get it to dry faster, but than starts rubbing it with his hand and scratching at it, which I was like a bit weird. Than he opens a picture of a dead seal (We found one at the beach) and stares at it for a few minutes. Proceeds to grab a pair of scissors and starts picking up things and putting them down and paces around with them. After he goes to the bathroom (I think to wash his hands), but he's in there for a long time and later when I went in the bench in our shower was down. anyways he comes out and changes than grabs a towel to put right next to his bed and starts rocking back and forth for a few minutes. then he goes under his bed, and covers in with a blanket. and after awhile he just came out and started watching Instagram reels. Bro was scaring the shit outta me bru epically with the scissors. anyways I asked him about it and it was because he missed the bus.

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Bibus's profile picture

yo that's a little creepy.. maybe he was having some kind of panic attack?

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Not sure he kinda just brushed it off after

by NayNay; ; Report