me.. I'm that nerd. But anyway. (/v_v)/
Effortless may it seem,
To have the words to say,
To those around you,
Every single day.
Yet when some wish to speak,
The words slip and fall,
Shattering on the ground,
As if they hit the wall.
Sometimes the words are awkward.
Sometimes there are none to hear.
But when their words are there,
It’ll be something to hold dear.
ok but what the heckk is the poem supposed to be about!!! (your interpretation, that's what! but no here's the original intention..)
I was really interested in conveying in as simplistic as I could manage a sort of "awareness" message within this poem, while still having that .. you know, poetic quality? It was about trying to draw attention to something in a tactful manner, I guess. This poem really isn't for a normal audience, if you think about it- or not my normal audience. They kinda don't need this message, tbh.
It's pretty simple, but I think that's what has made me not think this poem is trash. I think it's effective at establishing the whole little message- just because somebody isn't talking doesn't mean they aren't intelligent, or whatever. Honestly, I wasn't really thinking of shy people at all writing this- moreso my friends who simply can't communicate as effectively as they like. "works are awkward". I feel like I should be shoving this one in my teacher's faces- especially my English teacher.
She's a woman with a certain love for making us all talk it out about poems, but I'm pretty quiet when it comes to class and I'd honestly rather just sit there and think it out. I don't get the whole "chit chat about basic questions." I'm not gaining anything from this conversation, so why should I bother? I don't know, but anyway, that's part of my point. She certaintly has had her rather high expectation of me crushed by my lack of verbosity in her rather stale classroom environment, which quite frankly is frustrating!! I just want her to see my poems and accept the fact that I'm not going to be in any way fitting her idea of what an ideal student is.
Well, that's certaintly off topic from the poem, but, here we go.
Until again!
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i liked your poem, it is really unique and pretty different from what we normally see here. would be pretty cool reading more of your works
TYSM!!!! Hopefully I'll remember to blog more poems regularly enough :D
by willnonsense✰; ; Report