(nrms: a curious intrigue)

right, so i’m studying religious history and theory and all that at uni, and i was doing a bit of work on new religious movements (nrms), which a lot of people would just call ‘cults.’ now, i’ve loads to say about the word ‘cult’ itself and how people generally think about fringe religious movements, but today i want to chat about this strange, sneaky desire bubbling away in me soul.
i low-key want to join an nrm, just for the experience. just to see what it’s like, y’know?
obviously, i won’t because i’d like to think i’m a. not a total eejit and b. not a gobshite when it comes to respecting others’ religious beliefs. but if i’m being honest, i’d be mad interested to see what life’s like as part of an nrm. i reckon the members would have some seriously interesting views i’d love to hear.
now, what actually ‘is’ or ‘isn’t’ an nrm is up for debate, but i’m thinking of the ones that everyone thinks are a bit mad. y’know, the ones where people believe in aliens as gods and the like. i really want to understand... why??
nrms and ‘cults’ get a load of stick, but let’s not forget, people are usually doing what makes sense to them. and i want to know why these seemingly odd ideas make sense.
what can they tell us about our society?? i’m so curious.
just something that’s been on my mind, i suppose.

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