okay so basically i watched this movie a couple years back and i keep thinking about this one scene from it but i cant really remember the name of it or the whole plot (so bare with). the things i remember about it is that it was japanese, it was made in the 2000s and the one scene i keep thinking about.
the scene was basically these 2 teenagers standing at the top of this wooden tower type thing in the middle of this festival/parade and they try and kill themselves. like they just stand holding hands and pour gasoline on themselves as the crowd watches in horror before they eventually set themselves on fire. the event was being broadcasted the the whole of japan and they did it to make some kind of statement.
i have a slight feeling that this couldve been from suicide circle (2001) but im honestly not too sure and its gonna bug me so bad.
(also some of that scene description may have been inaccurate cause its been like atleast 2 years since i watched it)
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