Ok so like I've been watching both game grumps and oneyplays for a while and idk if this is like a hot take but I like oneyplays a lot more than game grumps. dont get me wrong I love game grumps and they've ruined my sense of humor but I just find oneyplays vids more funny. this is prob weird but I also just don't like the lets plays on game grumps, I genuinlly don't know why but I cant sit through them. I can watch and rewatch ten minute power hours over and over but I cant watch one lets play. idk I think I just have a bad attention span. and I've been watching oneyplays a lot and I just like cant go back to game grumps. its like a divorce and I have to pick which parent to stay with. idk ive heard some people feel the same way but like also there are some die hard game grumps fans out there. I love the both of them but I always go back to oneyplays. I quote it all the time and I feel like such a loser but wtv. anyways this was dumb and written in my English class ok bye bye sigmas

Oneyplays >>> Game Grumps is this controversial ?????
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Mulch Lover
Real and true, even though Tomar obliterated that one fan
Can’t believe he would do that…I hope that man gets Justice
by Dallas!!; ; Report