(this is a random collection of thoughts and words from yours truly that have been motivated by a burst of energy at midnight)
I think its so cool that a site like this exists, its kind of beautiful and is honestly art, its crazy that something like this that was completely out of my realm of knowlege can spring up and invite me into it through a little research. I found this website after going and finding a youtube video by someone named SchulzTrey. This name is completely unknown to 99.9999% of humans around but is one that represents art and beauty. This guy goes around and creates animations of old songs and music videos from the 90's and early 2000's (i think lol) and they go hard asl, they are made in this old animaton style that cant be explained and they use 4x3 video ratio and old sounding videos and it totaly immerses you into the world hes trying to create. ITS FUCKING BAUTIFUL. i dont know how art like this can go unknotices its fucking crazy i tell you! Anyways that guy helped me find this website bc i wanted to talk to hum and explain how awesome i thought his videois were (im so fucking sorry if youre a female ive been trying to use gender neutral terms but i keep forgetting and im lowkey blasted and cant think that much so my creative lense is magnified because of it) i was going to tell him how his videos were awesome bc i love that shit but you cant text someone befoer friending them or somethiung so it didnt work out :P
but now ive found this website and its a fucking gold mine! more awesome creators just like him and just as equally talented. i just wated to say that this place is fucking awesome and i really just want to create mor content that will be explored by my firends i make on this world of spacehey. I really like being heard and paid attention to becvause i like company its a human trait that cant be ignored. Anyways i forgot where i was going but whoever reads this will have a field day so go ahead and friend me if i sound like someone you wanna have a cool conversation with about art like this or whatever else comes to your mind im a listening ear and a yapper so i cant wait to meet new people
- a red bird named cardinal
9/19/24 11:46pm
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call me a ghost reader the way im reading
welcome to the site dude >:3
Statiscit 🍉
Spacehey is by far one of ur best shots at finding extremely raw pieces of writing. From people oversharing a bit too much about their lives to really cool artists and such. Ofc I’m not saying this doesn’t make exist on more mainstream sites like Tumblr or something but with the existence of algorithms that favour accounts with a higher following it is slightly harder. I’ve been here for about 8 months I guess? And although there has been it’s ups and downs like me seeing gore under a blog titled “OC art” and various user spam happening, I still remain writing nonsense on whatever I have on my mind when my journal already has enough of a few pages filled. It’s always delightful to get a comment or a kudos ofc but at the end of the day it’s sort of just getting it out there in the void that sort of feels nice. Hope u enjoy ur time here man
Spacehey is pretty cool.
Just don't do like most people and actually stay here for more than a month.
Yea i feel that i get that that things like this are mostly gimmic to remember of a time before or just to experience something new for the first time thats such a valued experience by its community. But nontheless wether im here for a day, month a year or a lifetime im going to enjoy it while i can because this is fucking art and im here to appricate it
by Cardinal; ; Report