How do I tell my parents that i want to go to public school I'm tired of online school I don't learn nothing! I don't have friends all they want is for me to make church friend but I don't want to! How do I tell them? I just want friends or to not be akward to other I cant keep on living here I don't want to stay here anymore!

PLS HELP! I need adivce
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I think you should be honest to your parents and tell them that you feel that online school limits your opportunities to socialise, and how it's affecting you. If you feel like that isn't enough to convince your parents,ask them to let you join a sport. That way, you'll be able to socialise more, and be healthier and stronger too!

I hope it helped, and I wish you luck!
Your right I should. Thanks for your advice! :3
by Milo; ; Report