Name: Noah Hopkins
Aliases: Xx_N04H_NU1C4NC3_xX
Gender/Pronouns: Male (ftm) He/him/his
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: gay
Age: 22
Birth-date: 9/13/2002
Occupation: Slenderman Proxy and Arsonist Killer

Height: 5'10"
Build: Skinny
Skin Tone: pasty white
Hair: Feathered and side-swept, hair is longer near his face
Eyes: dark pupils,
Identifying Marks: Proxy symbol, top scars, and various scars from s/h
Appearance: Image below
Personality: Arrogant and sassy, he thinks he's hot shit because he thinks he's slendermans favorite proxy (he's not)
Motivations: Become a famous mystery killer
Current Goal: Complete as many missions as possible
Life Goal: Eventually become slendermans right hand man, and leader of the proxies
Best Quality: He can actually be really caring and sweet, it's just he's got a few very small soft spots for some people
Worst Quality: His homicidal tendencies
Fears: Eventually getting caught and imprisoned or getting kicked out
Hobbies: Blogging about his victims on the dark web
Talents: Idk starting a fire in 5 seconds
Skills: He's very agile and quick on his feet, high stamina,

Alignment: chaotic evil
Group/Organizational Affiliations: Slenderman

Family: Nina Hopkins (Nina The Killer); cousins
Best Friends: BEN DROWNED
Relationship Status:
Significant Other: Its complicated but Eyeless Jack and Ticci Toby
Other Relationships: Jeff the killer; fuckbuddy frenemies, Tim Wright (Masky); mutuals, Brian Thomas (Hoodie); mutuals, Helen Otis (The Bloody Painter); fwb, Sally; mutuals, Jane; mutuals, Slenderman; Boss?? Leader?? idk
Secret: He actually has a big soft spot for kids, solely because he wants to have one, but with his career path and choices he's made he decided not to have one. He just wants to be a cool dad y'all
Influential Memory: Burning down his local police station
Role Model: pyro from tf2
Crush: He's insanely gay 4 Eyeless Jack and Ticci Toby
Source of Embarrassment: remembering what he was like per-transition
Source of Pride: His epic ass self-made flame-throwing gun.

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Raaahh thiz iz so kewll! >:0