Hiii everyone!! My 2 day streak of posting on spacehey is started and im planning to try and post a blog everyday or a few days per week!
So for today im gonna talk about my school trip!!
So i woke up at around 8:06 or something, i panicked like alot because i was running late. School started 8:10 and i was worried if i didnt get there in time id miss the buss because i didnt know where i was going to meet my class. But after running and panicking i made it just in time. It was an school trip just for the 8th graders i think.
The bus ride was very smooth, it made me a little sleepy but i was already sleep so not big of a difference and people where chatting so much, like i usually dont have something against when someone chats but people where like shouting, singing ect and it was just annoying since its 8 in time morning and ive like woken up some minutes before.
I think the bus ride was about 30 minutes or so until we got to the farm. It was an farm with just cows. They produce milk there and i think they said that they also have some of the cows for meat. They also grow wheat and stuff like that.
When we got my class had to get split into two groups, sadly i didnt get grouped with my bestie but i had other friends in my group so it wasnt that bad. It started with that we got to meet a farmer and he would guide us. We first went to a station where its like a virtual simulator. Like you sit in a chair and infront of you is a steering wheel, three huge screens, three pedals, a joy stick and a mini screen. And its a driving simulator. Most of my classmates drove an tracktor but i drove an truck. It was a little difficult but also very fun. I have droven an actual car before so driving the simulator wasnt that hard for me.
After that i think we had a break or went to another station which i suddenly dont remember because my brain is like fried. But yeah we all got a sandwich and got to pick between a pear or orange juice pack. After that we contineud going to different stations where we got to learn about different schools we could apply too after 9th grade, we learnt about planting trees, differentt types of seads, wheat and about why meat is so important for us.
It was so fun because i got to pet the cows and they where so cute and soft, one of them even licked my hand which was funny. I also got to pet and even hug a very big horse. It was a male horse i sadly forgot the name of, but he was a very pretty horse. And i also petted a very cute dog! Or two actually, the first dog idk who it was but the second dog was an retired work dog, we were learning about hunting and that dog usually participated in stuff like that.
Like i said we got to learn about planting trees, different types of wood/trees ect. We got to try and plant a new tree as well. They also gave us an very pretty hat. After that we went to the stall or what its called and got to see how it looks like when a cow is milked. We got to see an newborn baby cow that had been born yesterday and a bunch of other baby cow's
We also got to learn about how a quite famous cheese brand here in Sweden makes cheese and other facts bout milk and stuff like that.
For school lunch they gave us hamburgers and we could either choose sparkling water with taste but i forgot what flavours it was, or we could choose another juice box which i did.
Before we where going to leave the farm we where all given a frebbie which was a cute paper bag with a small block of the cheese we where learning about and like a cheese cutter or what its called.
Im so excited because tomorrow i will go to Gothenburg because on saturday im going to see the documentary/movie "I AM STILL" its an documentary about the BTS member Jeon Jungkook! Im so excited to see it especially since im going to meet friends there!
But yeah that was kind of it! thank you for reading! Love you all and have a wonderful day or evening </3

School Trip!
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thank you sm 3
by NightmareGirgir; ; Report