I will be doing these entries to keep track of my current hunt and give me motivation.
My current target: Bulbasaur, in Pokemon Leaf Green
Shiny odds in this game are 1/8192.
I have done 13,400 soft-resets so far!
I didn't get as many resets done as I wanted to because of school, and it's technically the next day (the 19th) now... I still wanted to write this entry, because I didn't want to ruin it by just the 2nd day. Still, 13400 is a lot! I atleast got more than 100 resets, with 100 resets being the minimum amount of resets I wanna do each day. Some people do a lot more but I don't think i'm fast enough for that.
I think i'm going to be a bit busy tomorrow, which means less time to hunt, but oh well, I can squeeze in time to get atleast 100 resets.
Hopefully Bulbasaur shines soon!

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Shiny hunting is real tiring sometimes.
I dropped my Ho-Oh hunt (pokemon gold) after a year or so of extreme bad luck.
I wish you good luck, the odds are just too small on the older games :(
Dang, that sucks. But thank you for the good luck! And yeah, the odds are really low, though it can be the appeal for me. If you hunt again, I hope you get better luck!
by S1LV3R; ; Report