Human banter has been seeing an all time high within Dimension 23-A0PL. Are sports just getting to be too much? Who knows! All we know is journalist [redacted] is on the scene as it appears that the bowling pins have begun playing by themselves.
"We rarely see this event actually occur anymore, these pins are meant to be domesticated creatures. They're running wild once more" says [redacted], "If only we could get to the bottom of this banter, we could re-domesticate the pins but everyone within the banter seems to be unaware of what's causing it."
Several witnesses claim the pins began playing by themselves after the banter distracted humans from playing with them.
Experts advise that if you or a loved one have pins within your home, please care for them properly with the resources linked below.
Pins 101 : How to care for your bowling pins!
Bowling pins wild? Here's why!
25 things experts say irritates your bowling pins!
This has been Pink Mountain Light News, thank You for hearing from this Dimension.
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Finally, interdimensional new. 2 Kudos for you. Keep up the good work!!!
Thank you much! More coming soon, the team is already on the scene for the next big story!
by PinkMountainLight News; ; Report