this is my first blog entry so i just decided to write about my day 2day to start off,, idk what i’m doing but whatever right? xD
anyway it was pretty uneventful today. i have spanish first period and my teacher is superrr nice so it’s never too bad but i literally have no friends in my class so it’s just so boring lmaoo. like all she does is give us a worksheet but i always finish early so i’m just on my phone for 20 minutes or something xD then my second period is science which is. You know. whatever. i have it with my best friend (!!) and my brother so it’s pretty fun but my teacher is kinda annoying but also kinda funny? Idk i’m like neutral about him he’s just a guy haha!
Third period is always my favorite on Wednesdays because i have my elective which is a poetry class! i have never ever been interested in poetry before starting high school. i was put in this class bcus no others were available and this was the best thing compared to intro to business and public speaking … but yeah this class has gotten me super into poetry because it’s just so fun. My teacher is awesome and funny and my classmates are so nice and welcoming which is SUCH a relief because i’m one of the only freshmen in the class and i have no friends. But yeah 2day in class we did a fun writing exercise which i totally got carried away with! i was almost writing off the page!! I chose movies since we had 2 write about something we love and since i love them a lot it was really easy to just let everything out onto the page and basically write a love letter to the film industry, lol … then some of my classmates played a fun game (6 ppl at a time) and the rest of us had to watch but it was really funny! I didn’t volunteer though because i’m still like. Intimidated by these older kids xD like they drive cars and have jobs! Anyways haha ….
my last period is history which i do really like bcuz my teacher is funny and engaging and i have it with one of my other best friends so we get to hang out and walk to the buses 2gether. class was just a lecture which was pretty interesting. My teacher even commented on my Evil Dead shirt xDDD
And yeahhh that was basically my whole day. when i got home and just relaxed. being lazy after school is so amazing but i have to resist falling asleep bcuz then i will nap for too long then stay up superrr late o_O
i hope whoever is reading this had an amazing day! if u didn’t, then i’m rlly sorry and hope u have a better one tmrw! Goodnightttttt
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