morning started off with french class, we had a small test :c i didn't even know we had one ... 4 the rest of the class we just wrote stuff . it was not interesting , but i was next 2 my friend which was fun :D she told me i look like i wear makeup which i was SUPER happy about < 333
religion class is boring and nothing happened ...
4 physics class i sat next 2 naomi again . we seriously need 2 stop sitting 2gethr , she's sm fun we nevr work XD
in the middle of class she started doing word searches , and we totally did not listen 2 any part of the lesson ... the teacher caught us talking and told us 2 read the next sentence in the lesson , but we weren't listening so we had no idea what we were supposed 2 read ! we ended up getting caught a few times , but we laughed it off >< i don't wanna sit with her in physics anymore becuz i like that class ...
anywayz , most of it was just her doing word searches while i showed her all my lip glosses , and talking .
in te afternoon we had civics , i was planning on asking naomi 2 sit next 2 me but right when i saw her she came up 2 me 2 ask if we could sit 2gethr ! so i said YES ofc !!!!!!!
we didn't rlly do anything in civics bcs the teacher moves around a lot . but it was still super fun , except 4 the fact that i accidentally voted 2 do the test next thursday . i forgot next thursday is my BIRTHDAY D: i don't wanna do a civics test on my bdayyyy ...
but thats all :D
no free hamster this time . he's on vacation :P
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pres ^^
getting distracted by ur friends is 2 real… i also have french class first! ><