cheating partner

not that long ago I found out my current boyfriend of 2 years was emotionally cheating on me with his ex for the first couple of months of us dating. the screenshots were crazy to see and completely shattered me. he tries to justify it by saying it was for "reassurance" , but he hid it from me so he knew it would affect me. the fact that I was very open with him during that time about his ex because he got with me like a week or two after they broke. maybe he lied about that too but I'm not sure. I asked him a lot about it at that time, asking him... "are you still friends with her?", "do you still talk to her?". he never answered honestly. I tried breaking up with him, for this and for the times he has treated me like complete garbage. 

I couldn't break up with him. 

now its just a bunch of resentment towards him, of course i love him but is that even enough.

idk if i should just keep it up to let him go easier or just end the relationship...

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Mirusas_Shiru's profile picture

Man, you deserve so much better than that. What the heck? No offense, but he sounds like a mega loser.

Would you ever do that to someone? I'm assuming not, so why let him do that to you?

Let him go intertwine toes with his ex or whatever while you go have the most badass life you can. It's gonna be super tough, especially cause it's someone you genuinely love and care for, but your love is better spent elsewhere, dude.

There's gonna be someone who will treasure and love everything about you. Normal people don't do that your bf does.
Lmk if you want to dm and talk about it, I got my listening ears out

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i totally would like to talk about it. thank you :)

by rico 𖤐; ; Report

No problem! I'll be here

by Mirusas_Shiru; ; Report