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Category: Life

(Un)Interesting Things

Too Many Plans...

and not enough time. I feel like every time one project or task on my check list is finished, two more have already been added on top. So many of them have been on my to-do for ages as well. I have no idea how long I've been wanting to turn those old banners from work into artworks/big canvases and let my friends fill them with random shit using various mediums. I wanted to do some bleach designs on old clothes, turn old pants into patches, go sit on the sidewalk and sell/exchange bracelets I made. I wanted to finally use the engraving tool I bought to engrave custom acrylic beads. I wanted to make charms out of shrink plastic...I have recently found an old tea box on the side of the street that I want to make into a jewelry display. And I got air dry clay now which I want to use. 

I need like...3 weeks off with nothing planned and just completely shut myself in that way no one can take up my time anymore. To deliberately focus on getting all of that done. Cuz every time I do have time the next few months it's either only a single day or it's full of plans like travels or appointments. 

Another factor is "not enough space". Oh what I would give for some sort of workshop room where I can not only execute all of my crafts but also STORE all of my materials and tools properly. Having space for shelves, drawers and cupboards to neatly sort all of my stuff into. To just be able to have a full assortment of things at hand. 

I seriously thought of renting a space somewhere close by, no joke. But I doubt I have the money for that just yet....Considering that real estate prices are just exploding not only when it comes to living spaces but ESPECIALLY storefronts and the like. 

Pfff some people dream of owning a nice flat, a house or an expensive car. Yet my dream is to have a workshop or a garage. 


Spontaneous Amnesia

is something my coworkers seem to experience randomly throughout the year because they keep sporadically forgetting how to work in an office environment. Now listen, I can handle a lot okay? But as much as I can withstand all kinds of stupidity, audacity und annoyances; at some point enough is enough and shit just flows over. 

Well, today was the day. I've been irritated by every single person and every single thing no matter what they did or what it was since yesterday. Genuinely wanted to bash my head against a wall multiple times today. It feels as if people are misunderstanding me on purpose just for the sake of arguing (again). Sitting myself into our graphic design office was honestly the best option for me to get at least SOME work done. 

I am losing braincells by the minute because why the fuck do you mean you are force shutting down and turning on the 300€ document shredder over and over again when it overheats and clogs up because you are shoving too much into it instead of cleaning it out. And what the fuck do you mean you are copying every single page of this 10 page document SINGULARLY instead of using the autofeed option because someone told you it "crumpled up mine that once". 

It's like everyone just lost the ability to think for themselves the past few days. 


Palms are sweaty

knees weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti...

Or something like that. No but seriously having fish hands is a curse and I've had to deal with it my whole life so far. And when I say "fish" I really mean it because not only are my hands constantly wet they are also cold 90% of the time making handshake experiences with me akin to grabbing a dead fish. 

So last time I had to refill my medication at the pharmacy, I asked if they had something against sweaty hands. Lo and behold (after having to wait over the weekend because they had to search through their stock themselves), I have been given some sort of cream. 

After using it for about three days now I haven't really noticed a significant difference, sadly. It only really works over night so far. I tried using it over the day and my hands just sweat it right off. That's something not really surprising however since a lot of people have reported something similar after using a bunch of different products. 

Me wanting to know how that stuff even works, looked it up on the companies website of course. Surprise, surprise you are only supposed to use it at night when applied to your hands. SO the pharmacist gave me the wrong info, saying to use it twice a day. Great.

Alas, the website also said a true effect will be noticeable after about 1-2 weeks. Time will tell I guess.

An Update: After about a week or so using this cream, it actually is starting to work somewhat. The Palms of my hands and the skin between my fingers is incredibly dry to the point I had to reduce applying it only every second night because my skin shriveled up too much (especially when showering). Weirdly enough my hands are still sweaty when holding things. My fingertips are still unchanged as well, leaving wet prints everywhere. Maybe that will sort itself out with further use? Their website DID say the cream just helps regulate sweat production not completely block it.


I know something you don't!

And that is the fact I am writing these blog posts over multiple days. 

Well, now you know...

Work does interrupt me here and there after all, no matter how hard I try to dodge it. Especially now that we have an event every weekend. Okay, granted most of them are already over and next Saturday is the last but alas. It's one of my favorite project of ours at the very least. A kind of band contest for young, amateur musicians of all kinds. Though the evenings are always long due to the fact we have at least 6-8 gigs on every Semifinale, it's fun to chat with our guests and give them a proper, more professional experience. They always seem to have a fun time, which is what's most important for us. 

Though I am excited for Saturday, I find it a bit hard to focus on it because Oh My God I am going to Italy with a friend just a few days after. That's the first vacation I planned and booked myself without my family so naturally I'm a TAD bit nervous as you can imagine. My friend and I are going via train and are renting a car there to get around. The voyage there and our way back is what makes me worry the most because...you know...Deutsche Bahn...

However we booked interrail tickets at least which means we are kind of flexible when it comes to connections. 


As I am sitting here writing this we have another Band outside our building. Our backstage is directly beneath our office, so we can see them most of the time from our windows. At least a bit. 

I find it kind of funny how they regularly transform our premises into a makeshift gym to be honest. I've seen jump ropes, weights, all kinds of training exercises and today even kickboxing and...Yoga?

Admittedly it's quite amusing to see a buff, fully tattooed Metalcore dude do a Yoga routine in our front yard in neon pink shorts and even on a proper Yoga mat. Kind of cute in a way.

Anyway, im excited to see GHOSTKID perform at our venue today. I haven't heard much of them before but that makes it better imo. It has a certain surprise element to it.

0 Kudos


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