OK SO, old tech :D!!!111!!1
I want soomeT_T And here I´ll write a little of my "plans" on what im going to do with it, prob how to get them, etc!!
1- Flip-phones!
In my country they are kinda hard to find (at least i guess, i havent really did such a deep research on it xd) Now that I think of it, I think this is the object that'll be the hardest to get, so I´ll probably wont xd. ANYWAY, IM STILL WRITING JUST IN CASE XD.
To be honest, I want to call my friends more often, instead of texting. I also want to leave my phone addiction. CUS LITERALLY, PHONES NOW DAYS HAVE EVERYTHING. WHY LEAVING IT WHEN YOUR LIFE IS IN THERE?? thats exactly what i dont want. Not only they are EXPENSIVE, but like, i dont need all of that, neither to spend all of that money in such an ugly rectangle. BUT TO BE HONEST, those are just like, secondary reasons of why I want a flip-phone (-_-') the main reason of course is amm wel... it looks pretty.
And hopefully, if i get one, ill decorate it with stickers and well, like in the pictures xd. BUT WITH A LOT OF PURPLE OFC!!1!11
Well, this is not so complicated. I already have all my songs downloaded in my phone (dont have spotify. Im an "WHATSSAP-AUDIO13345-343" guy XD)
So yeah, this could also help when i dont really need my phone, i just want music, and yeah. But like, i would love one, but i dont really feel it like a NEED or like A GOAL. Just a "would be nice to have"
OK, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. I would LOVE so much to get one. But they are also kind of hard to find. So 1. or I ask for an aunt or uncle or someone close to give me one that they dont use and that they dont care about xd. or 2. Save money and to buy it second hand in the dark corner of the market /jk XD SJJSDJ But you get my idea.
I dont really know how to explain why I want one. But trsut me, it is deeper than just "is pretty" There´s something of the photography, of documenting life, taking pictures that feel unique for yourself, of the unique moments of life that i long for.
And as you guessed, my plan for the decoration will be inspired by this pictures, BUT WITH A LOT MORE OF PURPLE!1!.
Thats all for now. Thanks for reading aaand see ya!
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Like I have a CD player but omg having a digital camera would be so convienient and cute
My parents also keep telling me how my phone is for communicative purposes when they get mad abt me being attached 2 it but like.. should've gave me a flip phone instead tbh!! (then I wouldn't have brainrot XD)
But yea 2000's tech is peak and I would take all this stuff over current tech cuz its so expensive and so many features r behind paywalls nowaday!!
LITERALLYY!!! The brainrot thing is so reaal T-T Glad to know someone gets me xd.
by miauk17; ; Report