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Category: Life

missing people

As in, missing PEOPLE. Not that people are missing!!!

This has been on my mind for a while. I had a friend for a few months who I met online. He was really cool, and we got along well. I was going through a lot of things at the time that had me more stressed than usual, and our conversations slowed down, I think because of me. Then we stopped talking altogether. I think about him often. I wonder how he is. I feel guilty sometimes, because it's my fault we drifted apart. I never communicated. He really was cool. Sometimes I imagine reaching back out to him, but I don't know what I'd be greeted with. Probably anger, or complete disinterest. Can you relate, person who may be reading this? 

I don't want to let anything like that happen again. 

Not much else to add..... I'm going to finish some schoolwork and then go to bed... (But first, I want to try beating nergigante one more time. I'm playing monster hunter stories 2. The writing and characters are lackluster, I think mostly because of poor localization/translation, and the English voice dubbing is even worse in a way that is tragically NOT charming... but I can't resist a game where you get to have a pet dragon. If anyone has this game on switch, we should play together ^>^)

EDIT: I just remembered. A few months back he did make a tumblr and reach out to me. I was uncomfortable because I wasn't sure how he felt about me. And I had no idea how to talk to him. I should have said something, or at least tried harder but I didn't. It was a very dry interaction. Then he messaged me something ominous, 'do you a' (which I think could be the start of, do you actually *insert something here*) and then deactivated his Tumblr after a few days. Yipe... 

I don't know if either of us are the same people anymore at this point either. Our relationship declined overtime because I wasn't honest, with him or myself. It was awfullllll. I'm not going to try and protect my pride by saying I was blameless. It was all on me. Acknowledging that that doesn't mean anything if I don't try to go back and amend things. But I feel like I'd be going back to a house that's long burnt down with a glass of water in my hand.. Would it even do much good? Maybe it's the thought that counts the most. Like, you wanted to try and help the house either way, even if it was too late for it to matter. The house being our relationship, not him. I don't want anyone to get it confused.

 I don't want to go into many further details about this, but if anyone is particularly invested I'm open for a PM. 

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Lemmingsishard's profile picture

I would go check in on that person. I have friends from awhile ago that I talk to in long intervals and it is always nice to go back. Also personally, I wouldn't feel guilty about this situation. Sometimes you just don't reach out to people and that is perfectly fine. I know that if I text [REDACTED] today and ask how life is going, I would make his day a bit brighter (the same would also work in the other direction). Also if you can, try talking to him regularly. I always fail at that. Maybe you can rebuild a great friendship. Anyway, Godspeed in figuring out what to do about this conundrum.

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I don't know if it'd make his day brighter considering how things ended off. I haven't shared how, but it's something I feel really bad about. : - ( But thank you for the encouragement. I'll think about this!

by sawsomeable; ; Report

Shack Man

Shack Man's profile picture

Dude, I remember back in high school I became real close with this one person, to the point we both had crushes on each other but never realized. They went on to date another close friend of mine for a while, and eventually that relationship crash and burned. We were pretty close the entire time.

But that was years ago, and by the time college hit we might as well have been strangers. I still see them on Instagram, and I know we share some friends, but that friendship is just gone. I know that feeling of guilt and wondering if you need to say or do something. It's not something you should dwell on for long, because people sometimes entering and leaving your life will happen, and it's best to understand that sometimes it's okay for a friendship to only last a few months, maybe even a few years, but not forever.

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That's a really sad story about your friend. :( But yeah, you're right. that's just how things happen sometimes, isn't it? That knowledge makes me feel equally comforted and disappointed. I've been trying to come to terms with this friendship ending. I wish it hadn't, and I wish I'd been a better friend. I'm sure if I was, we'd still be talking. I could reach out easily, but I don't know what I'd find. It's scary, and I'm a coward!
I hope one day I wake up as something else, and will know what to do. Because like I keep saying, he was a really cool dude! I wonder about how he is a lot.

by sawsomeable; ; Report


Mirusas_Shiru's profile picture

Oh yeah, I've been in this situation before. It can be really scary.
I've also had friends who've done similar, but despite all of it, if I shoot them a dm or they hit me up, we usually go right back to chatting as usual.

I suppose having a chatting break is also neat once in a while? It can def freshen things up.
I'm sure it'll be alright! If you're feeling an itch to say hi, and you can, then you should hit them up and ask what's up! Maybe you'll fall into a fun convo again?

Good luck with everything, you got this ( •̀ ω •́ )

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Thank you!! I'm afraid I'm making a mountain out of a molehill with this one... The idea of just reaching out casually feels beyond me at this point. But I appreciate your encouraging words nonetheless :) <3

by sawsomeable; ; Report

It'll be fineeee! You got this, I'm sure it won't go bad. You got this

by Mirusas_Shiru; ; Report