1 d0nt kn0w wh3r3 t0 g3t sc3n3 cl0th3s 1 hav3 s3m1 str1ct par3nts and th3y d0 buy m3 cl0th3s but 0n1y 1f th3r3 ch3ap :'( 1 d0nt mak3 my 0wn m0n3y sad1y but 1 d0 kn0w that s0m3 p1ac3s ar3 bad t0 sh0p l1k3 sh31n and d011sk1ll but 1 n33d r3c0m3ndati0ns and t1pz 0n wh3r3 1 can get ch3ap and 3th1ca11 sc3n3 cl0th3s xp

Wh3r3 d0 1 g3t ch3ap sc3ne c10th3s?!?!?!
0 Kudos
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These typing quirks are getting out of hand.
its not a typing quirk i type like that on this website cuz this is met to feel like a early 2000s website and thats how ppl typed cuz it was faster oh flip phone keyboards and i think its fun if you dont like it dont like it dont read it
by L0v3ly_s1ck0.222; ; Report
diy is so much cheaper in the long run, i don't know if bleached designs are your style but worth checking out.
alternatively go thrifting, cuz goodwill has a lot of clothes with potential if you know what you're doing with them. super cheap there too usually but ive heard the price gets hiked up at some locations :/
thxx 1ll b3 l00k1ng 1nt0 th1s !1!1!1!1
by L0v3ly_s1ck0.222; ; Report
Update-i did a bleach skeleton t-shirt like the back of it and it says not perfect on it thanks for the tip it's so cool
by L0v3ly_s1ck0.222; ; Report