mom’s in the hospital getting tested on. her side’s been hurting real bad recently. it hurt her to laugh or to sleep. she went to the clinic at 12 today and could only come home at 6 to get ready to go the hospital. they think she’s got a kidney infection, and they’re also testing her for a blood clot in her lungs. she’ll be there till at least 2 in the morning. dad came home bout 20 minutes ago to check on us and grab some things. he just left like a minute or two ago. he gave me and my sister a Susan Anthony coin each. i left my stuffed hamster Ramone on their bed for when they get back. she’ll probably be fine. in other news, today was my aunt and uncles anniversary. and my aunt got in a crash and wrecked the car. everyone was fine though. it’s been an odd day. at least i got some stickers from the voting people at school today.

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I hope all becomes well for you and your family!
thanks :)
by mooniace; ; Report