Nobody really cares what I post, so I will throw my hat into the ring of the SpaceHey drama.
As a community and a platform as a whole, we are walking a line between becoming 4chan or Roblox, either with no moderation or too much moderation. I don't know which one is worse, since on one hand, this is supposed to be a retro social network where most things, if not everything goes. On the other hand, I don't really want to see gore whenever I am browsing profiles. I think that having minor moderation to keep out truly illegal things, and p*rn, but it shouldn't strangle the platform in the way it seems to be now. I hope this platform the best since I think it has a really neat concept behind it that other social-medias, mmos, etc. should take after, but at the moment it feels like it could really be crashing down.
On the Wubzilla thing, I think as a person, he isn't a bad person, I think that what he did was questionable but not ban-worthy. I think his reaction to his banning was rather poor though. This is no attack on his character. Now the reason why I would say that what he did was defend-able was I believe that all things should be on the board when it comes to humor. Even the most horrific actions, If we have people defending them in earnest, we should have people making fun of them to dull the pain. Now I cannot speak on behalf of survivors of the most horrific acts, so my outlook might be different to theirs and they should have the final say, what I have said here is just my opinion.
So yeah, this platform is a mess. A beautiful ugly wild-west mess, and we should keep it that way, since I am afraid that this platform is the last platform like that. Soo Uhh, yeah have a nice day and Godspeed on your issues in life.
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John Horne
I remember when Wubzilla friend requested me, pretty soon after he blocked me for no fuckin reason
wait wtf did wubzilla do??? i thought he just friended ppl & commented "cool layout" on ppls profiles??
He explains in his video:
by Lemmingsishard; ; Report
Not to mention, tried to dox after be got banned called me the r slur when I pointed it out.
He also made a discord kitten applications and followed up with it.
Posted DMs on his discord server. (had to blank out names)
by Koltin
oh god i thought he was just some silly lil guy who would friend ppl and then say "cool profile" i didnt know he did this bs
by cleo!!; ; Report