*☆Grim's blog (wip tittle)☆*
So for a while I've want to document my thoughts and this point of my life as so many new things and experiences. That and fuck you it's my life. So welcome to my frist blog, I guess. I hope to talk about my day, my projects and thoughts with this in the future.
So I was sick all day today and due to that I haven't been able to read my lines for my newest project that were gonna call Operation: box to avoid spoiling all of you. It all Due to my voice being all fucked because I'm sick. It upset and it's not help with my stress. Im generally pissed about it but on brightside archie and x got there line in yesterday and I'm SO grateful for that. If it wasn't for that turning my day around yesterday I think I would have canceled it all together out of stress and sending it to the "grim's project graveyard" with cnf and the all the roleplay plots I scraped as a kid. either then that all is OK.
That's all in doing for today as not alot happened today but I'll hopefully have more soon about my projects,life, etc and when I'm less sick. Until next time. BYEEEE!!!!
-Grim 4o4
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