"hey Sam why is this blog about your mom?" well why is because shes a fucking hypocrite why? well because Idk if this is "Over dramatic" or not but everytime I would watch TV on my TV the volume would be at like only 8 volume on my TV and My mom would come up stairs and tell me to turn it down even though mom plays this fucking Game of thrones at like probs 18 volume then my lil brother would play his YouTube shorts at like 21 volume and guess what? she wouldn't bother shit to my lil brother. and she just favorites Kevin (My little brother) like for example one time I dropped something under my bed I couldn't fit under my bed to go get it so I asked Kevin if he could get it for me and he got it and he said "Ok now you give me the 10 bucks now" so I said no because I was saving my money and there was no way for me to earn more so he got pissy about it and told mom and mom TOLD ME TO GIVE IT TO HIM instead of dropping the situation and de-escalating it I ended up not giving any money to him and this one time I was like 10 years old I had 11$ in my money jar. It was on my desk like it normally was and one time SPECIFCALLY I came home I had 2 extra dollars to put in my money jar and guess what? ONLY A DIME AND A QUARTER WAS LEFT IN MY JAR so I told mom and said "Hey mom did you touch my jar?" and she said "What jar?" and I said "the jar full of my money?" and she was like "No why would I take your 11 dollars you bitch" and I said NOTHING about my mom taking my 11 dollars and I had very tough anger issues back then and I was trying to save up my money so I could move out in the future so due to my anger issues/and depression/ and my anxiety I called my mom a Lying asshole and she SLAPPED ME. I know what you guys are going to say "Yea you called her an asshole" well for 1. It wasn't MOSTLY my fault it was because of my anger issues and anxiety. and 2. You cant slap your kid like wtf? then this other story was in the car so Apparently my toxic Boyfriend "darnel" (<--i'll talk about him in another blog) we were talking for a while on Gmail chat and we could make like groups so we made one for ourselves and Darnel added a girl to the group "Trinitee" (<--i'll talk about her in another blog) and Darnel cheated on me with trinitee darnel specifically said :I'm not wit u anymore im wit trinitee" (<--his Grammer sucks) and so I wanted to call darnel out on it but the Hot Spot in the car wasn't on so I asked my mom to turn it on SHE OBVIOUSLY knew I was stressed but she said "no you can wait till we get home" And yes I still had anger issues and got very mad/over stimulated when I was stressed so I snapped at her on accident and said "NO YOU CAN DO IT NOW" and My dad yelled at me and called me a C#nt and I called him a dick head for that since I had anger issues so he got mad and started driving on the high way which no dad didn't need to go on the drive way to drive us home so I asked where we were going and dad said the mental hospital JUST FOR WIFI?? and I got mad and I lashed out on my mom AND dad and I ended up staying at the mental hospital for 2 weeks FOR WHAT?? i dont even know and I KNOW DAMNED WELL my mom is racist Why? because she said "Asain people drive so bad" and one time we were at open house at my school (I was 10) and she saw a colored kid with white parents and mom looked at me and said "is that kid adopted" which yes you guys don't think its bad but Colored people can be born with white parents. which yea.. I'm tired as hell so i'll get off for the night.

my mom
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