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sorry i disappeared for a week or something like that, my laptops being funny and thats the only place i can blog from :(

ANNNDDD i started school again 2 weeks ago so thats been going on and thats gotten in the way of EVERYTHINGGG because of homework

i sstill need to rerecord my music homeowrk cause its like my actually gcse recording or something stupid like that and its like OH? literally its been 2 weeks and i've already started my music composition, music solo piece, started my FORTY HOURS of IT coursework and im about to start doing my art coursewrok for "urban landscaoes" which im quite excited for because art is my favourite subject (along with music)

ANNNDD for my IT coursework i have my own usb but theyre so cheap that im scared im gonna just pick it up and itll fall apart and ALLLL my work will be gone cause i havent ACTUALLY backed up anything to my onedrive but ANYWAY! also my teacher just leaves me alone during IT right now cause we're just doing designing logos, posters, letters and websites right now but he knows i took art so I LOVE IT even though literally half my class is in my art (theres like 7 of us..) BUT I LOVE IT although im so lonely im sat all by myself on my row cause "collaberation is not allowed" but literally all of us talk anyway so whats the point in moving

lifes just quite boring right now though, but i might be getting my helix pierced soon, it just depends on if the place i want to go to uses needles instead cause last time i got my my earlobes done they used a gun and it took WEEKS to get rid of the bump but ANYWAY if they dont use needles i just need to save up extra to get it done that this place all my friends go to (i am NOT about to dox myself)

i still want a band.

over n out bitchez


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