I'm sitting at my cute little desk in the library's lab. Today is the second day of the library being open after it was trashed by the protestors, putting me out of a good chunk of hours at work. It reminds me of when I first started working at my quaint little college IT job.... 8 months ago. Maybe it hasn't been that long, but the summer heat sweat out the feeling of the novelty of being a college freshman gave me. Regardless, I'm excited to start up school again. I have my schedule all planned out and I'm going to try reallllll hard to stick to it. It's going to be a weird adjustment going from 40 hours of work a week to 25, but I'm not complaining. I did a horrible job of saving money this summer, but I'm hoping that the daily grind will make me less likely to impulse spend. My apartment's community kitchen burning down has not helped my eating out habit, but hopefully that'll be fixed soon.
I hope to do more of these free writes instead of scrolling. I'm weighing the pros and cons of being mostly social media free, but I think it will be good for me maintaining my inertia throughout the term.

Hopes for Autumn
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