
So lately I've been having these weird, repetitive dreams. IDK how to explain it, but i have a few different stories in my repetitive dreams. I can have a dream from story A, followed up by a dream from story B and then it's A or C. sometimes my dreams from one story can happen back to back if i wake up and fall asleep fast asleep. i also saw stuff that should've been strictly in my dreams in real life but i'll write about that in another blog.

Today, i had a dream from the "woodland" story as I call it. (I can't really control what goes on in my dreams, I can only watch them.) it all kinda looks like OMORI when I "watch" it. it all takes place in a small city surrounded by two walls (like in AOT but there's like enough space for a handful of people to fit between them) and then it's just woodlands that surround it and mountains.

my dream started with the character I follow around standing by a wooden board. he was getting a "quest" to investigate some noises that go on in the hollow, unused part of the walls. so he goes to check it out and sees something running away from him. he goes to chase it and eventually they enter a cramped part of the space between the walls and he catches the person he chased. it turns out that the person was a thief, using the otherwise deserted hollow space to run away with the stolen goods. the thief ends up getting away but them the character goes t report him to the authorities and he gets caught for good. then my character's friend (also a boy but they will be named b1 and b2 to lessen confusion from now on. b1 is the first character and b2 is his friend lol) runs up to b1 and asks him if he wants to sneak off to the woodland to look for a bracelet he lost on their last expedition there. b1 agrees and they head out.once inside the forest (the kids aren't supposed to head out there alone) they hear a rustle and one of the townsfolk asking what they were doing in the forest. b1 and b2 run off deeper into the forest to get away and lose the man once they reach a small clearing. tey decide to rest there on the grass before b2 tells b1 that he saw something weird and he runs off to check it out. b1 hesitates for a little but eventually follows in b2's tracks. no matter how long b1 walks forward but he somehow appears back at the small clearing. it's not weird or uncommon for my dreams to loop or get overall repetitive. everytime he walks forward into what should've been the forest he cloes his eyes and re-appears in the middle of clearing as it gets darker. eventually, there's a dark figure in the middle of the clearing with him. b1 tries to run around it but he closes his eyes and appears back in front of the creature. eventually he interracts with it. everything goes black and a deer skull appears in the dark. there's a creepy close up before he wakes up in the middle of the clearing again.  everything's back to normal, except this time the clearing is blooming with flowers and on the middle there's a huge flower with b2's bracelet laying on it. b1 goes to rab it and he pockets it, making the flower wither. b1 hears b2's voice calling out to him, along with creepy whispers. he eventually manadges to make out directions from the whispers and follows them only to find a deer carcass. he ignores it and continues following the directions before eventually reuniting with b2 and then the dream ends.

does anyone else have weird dreams like this too or sees things from their dreams where they souldn't be??

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xXHalfD3adVladXx's profile picture

well as long as there isn't a disfigured burnt guy in a sweater in your dreams i think you'll be fine /JOKINJ

(but i've been through something similar where i keep ending up in a giant foggy tree house thingy that honestly freaks me out because i've ended up the same place several years in a row and im always alone in it too O_O)

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