HAIHAIII!! ( ´ ω ` ) been a while, no?
shit has been getting worse at school and its driving me INSANENENENEN Σ (゚Д゚;)
liek stuff at home is okay, but shit at school is NAWTTT.
i relapsed after being clean for almost 3-5 months and if im being honest, i dont know why. or like, i do but there r way too many reasons.....
i dont feel like going to school tomorrow, im not allowed to wear jackets rn cz its "super hot!!" n "ill js get more clothes dirty!!!" so i have to wear short sleeves, which makes me feel uncomf as shit brah......
BUT ENOUGH OF THAT. the good thing is i might be picked as student council, which is super fun (o´▽`o)
i dont rlly have anything else to say, except for the fact that my entire 'friendgroup' hates my best friend and will not get over the fact that im friends with her like THUG IT OUTTT its NOT that deep.... esp since its not harming them at all, i still try to hang out with them as much as i can so i dont really see the problem. SPEAKIGN OF THAT FRIEND!! i helped her study 4 our science exam tmr..... i hope we do well !!!1!!11!!11!!!(ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )
OK edit: i js wanna ramble more cuz i finished studying....... yesterdya was the anniversary of when my BELOVED AMAZING CUTE wife confessed 2 me (or like,......... we both confessed to eachother yknow.. ITS A LONG STORU ASK ABOUT IT IF YEW WANT CZ ITS SUPER CUTE!!!!) like yah we broke up on the 12th of jan but HTATS LIFE!!!!! n like rumors happened n a ton of shit did ubt i odnt wanna talk bout thart MOSTLY CZ NO ONE TOLD ME THE FULL STORY??? LIKE I KNOW THE STORU FROM LIKE 5 DIFF PEOPLES PERSPECTIVE N ITS DIFF EVERY TIME LIKE WHAATT.......... but ENOUGH of that...... i dont think shes ever ognna confess again TBH!!!! but thats okay atleast i got over that crush i had on a str8 grl WHO LITERALLY ALREAADY HAS A CRUSH WHOS A MAN....... like i thought i liked her n i kinda did cz she RRRREEEEAAAALLYYYYYY reminded me of my wife but like..... yah............ idk what else to sya im js bored..... I WANNA GET A JIRAKEI CLOSET SO BADDDLLYYLYLYLYLYLYL BUT ITS SO EXPESNIVE........ FUUFUACKCKCKCKC.
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