Hellloooo!!! This is my second blog post, and i’m very happy to be here! even if it’s just me viewing these i have always loved posting (and oversharing) on social media. But anyways i am once again on the way to school, that traffic is pretty bad like usual. But i’ve been watching mcr music videos for the 10th time. I’m also wearing my falll out boy tee. I hope today is easy and goes by smoothly, i have my absolute worse classes first thing in the morning (physics and math). But i have to leave early to go to this panel thing which i like leaving early but the panel is on mental health AND i have to talk about my mental health which is definitely the last thing i wanna do but alas. I hope today will be easy i just left my house and i can’t wait to go home. But i hope everyone reading has a a good day or night. My question today is: If you could only listen to one album or EP for the rest of your life what would it be? (I would choose Grace by Jeff Buckley or Infinity on high by FOB) anyway feel free to message me i’m always here!!! good byeee

cloudy september
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