hello and hi my blog readers either on the website or my spacehey, i got a new dresser!!! my aunt said she will give me her old crt
tv that i have been wanting for like a really really really long time and i am so happy for it. the dresser came with the tv so she gave me it now before the tv and im like emptying out my ugly fugly yellow dresser my mom had when she was like 6, so like yeah my red neak uncle gave me big blue toats to put all my items in in the dresser and i already got 3 out of 6 done but those were like really really easy but the other 3 are filled up with a bunch of stuff and its scary and im really stressed over it. i also found this like little small tony the tiger thing made out of plastic and i burnt it in my moms drive way and she got really mad at me. i woke up today because of my brintly spears poster falling down on my door and like its been doing that for a couple days now, my mom taped it back up and she said its gonna be fine and not fall down again but i don't believe her that much, and also when i say mom i am referring to my grandma since my mom sadly passed last Christmas (2023). and also my class went on this field trip for like 3 days and i really did not wanna go so i got put in this one class filled up with some random kids i never even talked to and this one bitch fucking looked at me with his ugly ass big ass forehead, and my face turned red from trying not to luagh and the other kid did laugh and got yelled at lolz. me and my friend Oliver and some other tall bitch i like but im not gonna try to spell there name went to this football game and then left since we only came over there for food and i went to my house and we just sat on a bed for like a hour but we had a fun fun fun fun time doing it and im so happy we did because i didnt get to see them in a bit, but Oliver was like playing homestruct memes on my tv and i was trying to rip his hair out and the tall bitch just did nothing but wacth tiktok the whole time so i can't say much about her. they also broke my FUCKING COPY OF COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG ON DVD AND IM NOT GONNA FIX IT so like yeah cool. i have nothing else to talk about today so yeah it was fun i guess bye bye :3

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