As I’m writing this it’s currently 8:53am and I’ve walked 23,832 steps. I love walking, justifies me eating Mac and cheese so often. I’m also currently laying in bed with a nice warm cup of unsweetened green tea, hopefully the warmth helps me fall asleep since the caffeine in it doesn’t affect me much.
I woke up at 12am last night due to my dog backwards sneezing (he’s a pug so it happens a lot unfortunately) and as I was up I checked my phone to see my request for time off on the 28th was approved! I was so happy the following morning I mean it, I was approved time off and only had a 4hr shift so that day was easy. For the first 2 hours at least.
Yeah so apparently higher management for my job (walmart) came in and my boss was really strict today. I was nervous the whole day because of it, and I could tell my boss was stressed because apparently she was upset when I went on break. I got kind of mad when I heard the news but I understand, she was under a lot of pressure to look good since HR was looking around, I was stressed too!
Anyways I got to clock out by 11:30 but my mom waited until 11:50 to finally pick me up so I had a nice time sitting outside waiting for her, it was 85° but the air wasn’t humid so it wasn’t too bad out.
I got home, ate a tuna sandwich and the rest of my lowcal ice cream, yum! And when my mom got off work we went to the library. I got to eat my fav food (stouffer’s frozen Mac and cheese) and a new grapefruit flavored monster energy. and when I got home I got my shirt I ordered from depop, a cute midlength sleeve grey and black striped shirt with some buttons. I love new clothes!
I just got finished walking tonight and I swear there were so many bats outside, probably around 10-15 I guess, they were cute though, I like bats.
Overall it was a good day except I’m anxious tmmr the HR will still be there cause I have an 8 hour shift, I don’t wanna deal with 8 hrs of HR!
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^__^ COOPER ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if i had the time to count my steps I would be bored enough to count my steps like HOW DID YOU count yo steps????? ( ALSO HAVE VERY GOOD LUCK THO)
Haha I have an iPhone and there’s a pre-downloaded “health” app (self titled) and it counts steps. It may be innacurate since it isn’t a pedometer, but if you have an iPhone I would reccomend it! At least 10k steps a day is good for you!
by Kadyn; ; Report