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Category: Games

Splatoon 3 Final fest!

Rotuzers brain dump: #1

After two years of Splatoon 3 we’ve finally finished all splatfests. For this final fest I was on team future and had tons of fun playing with my friends. I noticed a lot of complaints about sweats but not as much as when Splatoon first came out, god remember that? That was a fucking nightmare. When people would find a way to complain about literally anything during a splatfest. I didn’t find as many sweats as people said there were. Although when I was playing with my Splatoon team, SBR, we did come across a past team that would coordinate their specials to activate them all at once and demolish us in no time. I did get team future ruler and won a 100x! As well as three 10x. They had to have bumped up the chance of getting a multiplier because I got them really frequently, three doesn’t even count the amount I lost too. The map for the final fest was AMAZING! I would spend hours just sitting in the lobby watching the idols dance around and sing. Can we also talk about big man’s final fest outfit? Why is that man wearing a god damn speedo? Devs have to be freaky as hell. But I loved wandering around and looking at the jellyfish, they are so cute. It’s sad that this is the end of Splatoon but i’ve heard rumors there isn’t gonna be a fourth game but rather a spin off game! I would love to see a story mode solo game without the regular Splatoon online stuff. I think with a full game dedicated to it story mode would be amazing! Thanks for reading and listening to the sludge that exists in my brain. Love you!

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