first off- this is just a silly little entry- dont take any stupid shit i say here to heart.
I HATE mosquitos due to them prefering some blood and other blood types not- one thing i hate abt my body is my blood type- causing HUGE mosquito bites and a ton of them. I get bullied for not going outside (often) but when i do i regret it for months. like- can we make a new type of racist for mosquitos called bloodists? so annoying :(. I also really hate when your like "i wanna go on a walk!" watch cnn with someone, see the new shit about mosquitos (chat i watch cnn10 because im NOT watching so much news and its js like a child news setup and it makes me happy idk.) and then your like- yeah, HELL NO.
Moving on, mosquitos also have a little purpose. sure- we might be wrecked without the nonbiting species of them- BUT WHY DO THEY BITE?? i understand for food and all but its so annoying. love-hate relationship here. Let me enter a small article bit abt them :]
"Believe it or not, mosquitoes are pollinators. In fact, mosquitoes’ primary food source is flower nectar, not blood. Just like bees or butterflies, mosquitoes transfer pollen from flower to flower as they feed on nectar, fertilizing plants and allowing them to form seeds and reproduce. It’s only when a female mosquito lays eggs does she seek a blood meal for the protein. Males feed only on flower nectar and never bite. "
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I hate gnats too
atleast we both know we're not the only ones tbh.
by 𝖼ⱺ𝗌ꭑⱺ <3; ; Report
Winter is coming, the bugs will return to hell soon thankfully
by NewPancakeMan; ; Report
thank god. and our hell will also end.. literally. cant wait 4 the coolness
by 𝖼ⱺ𝗌ꭑⱺ <3; ; Report
𝖼ⱺ𝗌ꭑⱺ <3
ee just realized i spelt mosquitos wrong on the entry subject- sorry!