Hey teenagers with jobs😭 uhh so I've been looking to apply and stuff but I'm so scared. If you were scared before getting a job, did it end up being okay? Or is/was it awful? Cause honestly I'm just terrified💀 like I wonder if it's my anxiety making me think it'll be living hell or Is it actually isn't so bad-
Finding a job/job anxiety
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it depends on what job you're going for! every job is different, working retail will be different from food service, ect. I recommend finding a shop of Things People Don't Actually Need- flower shops, gift shops, antique/vintage stores, craft stores, things like that. I can't speak to the management of all of them but the customers have a 50% chance of being more chill than if they were being groceries or necessities than things they don't actually need. If you can't find such places, avoid food service unless it's your only option. it SUCKS.
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