honeslt I'm just sleeoy right now and typing this on my phone after doing my duolingo but I'm tryna learn like 4 languages rn and irs lowkey really hard
My words r hgetting capitalisded and I don't like jt
But like I'm learnign Spanish and Latin jns school so it's easier to be consistent with them cuz I have to do it like 2 or 3 times a week every week for an hour each time and homework and evrthung (but I still suck at both of them and I don't know any fluent Spanish speakers my age so I just have to do it in lesson and maybe read some stuff I see online in Spanish if I even can)
mi español es muy malo 🙁
Uhhhh Latin sentence uuuhhhh puellae et pueri yeah canem
I'm so tiref I can't remember
Whereas I'm also learnign Irish and Japanese outside of school just becfuase I want to but it is SO HARD to find resources to learn irish and I havent been being very consisetnt with learning it recently to the point I've basicsllt forgotten everything except hello (dia duit!)
I only started it (for thr 3rd or so time) recently but japanese is easier in the fact rhat there's a shit load of resources for it and loads of videos and books and media and stuff but it's also difficult to learn because it's a compelttrly differenr culture to mine (I live in the UK) so all the rules about speaking are different and there are completely different phrases and expectations and evrything and I know absolutely nobody who speaks japanesse so I just have to trust whatever nihongodekita with sayaka on yourtube says to me (I love you sayaka)
Also if I want advice on somethigb like how ive written something I have to send it to a random discord server or reddit and hope someone replies (spoiler, they donr) and I'm anxious about eveuthign I do in another language because I think I got it wrong even if I know I didnnt and I'm way too neervous to get a teacher plus Idk when I'd even have time considering I'm doing 2 extra GCSEs and I might be doing 2 after school clubs and I'm working on my projects.... Uurugbghhg there's not enough time in a day
This is more of just a rant if ahything im just sleepy and it's makinf me think about how I don't feel like i'm ever gonna learn these languagdes well or whateva or be able to communicate fluently with anyone in another language even though I'm pretty new to all 3 except Spanish
But I have literally been doing Spanish for like 3 yrs now and I feel like I've gotten nowehere
And also literally nobody I know is enthusiastic about learning lagnuages like one of my best friends ever loterallt said to me "why are you even bothering learnning languages they're useless especislly Latin when will you use that" it wasn't that exactly but it was along those lines and basicsllt said I'm never gonna use them and I dont agree with rhat but chat why does evrryine talk to me like learning languages is boring I have such an interest in language and how it's shaped by culture and just generally elarning about other cultures is SO INTERESTING 2 me and I make ocs from all areas of the world jsut so i can learn about that culture while writing them and earth is so incregible and history is so sososo rich and amazing and I lvoe the world soooo much it'sso beautitugl and im babbling but aaaiuguugugjgbngnghhhhbbjghghfhhhhh I litrrally get so ezcitrd any time I get a chabce to use any of the language learning I've done befause I only ever get to talk to people in English but I want to learn more and I know I'm actual ass at other languages and I csnt even remember english words but dude I jsut wanna learn and I'm falljgn asleep right now and I litrtdlly have to wake up early tomroroe for a latin lesson which I'm sooooo excited for but I will be sleepy in the mornjgn if I don't go eep rn
I ororbablt sound like a bloody ididot rightnow I'm just sad and wsntjed to wordvomit soemthgjn into a blog post it's likrr nearly midnight btj I'm tjref from school and I get really stuopid when I'm tured and I csnnog be botheref to fix my spelljng
Chat pleasd talk to me about languages Im uurhfhsjdbbfjdndn
Repleif will be when I am awwsrke though
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dan ^_^
lulu what have you been SMOKING!!
tea leaves
by milesofstars; ; Report