ew learning i hate college .i chose maths (🤮) physics (🤮) and 3d design and i hate it i hate it why did i do this i waited 12 years to never do maths again why why. anyway i’m changing them but i have to wait until thursday so im. sleeping through this week
also does anyone know how to talk to people. i need a cute college romance please. there’s a guy i keep seeing but i’m too cringe and not cute irl to go talk to him + we’re not in any of the same classes /circles (except physics where i sleep) so any advice is greatly appreciated 😸
another also how do i get my cat to stop running away every time he goes outside. he did it three times today and nobody cares about the speed limit on the road i live on. once again advice needed .
thanks for listening to me yap because erm.
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I would say go for it but 16 in college? Are you Jimmy Neutron?
pff i wish,, not smart just british 👍 college starts at 16 here lol
by kit; ; Report
weird stuff goin on across the atlantic
by NewPancakeMan; ; Report
you have no idea how glad i am you didn’t say ‘across the pond’ thank you vro
by kit; ; Report