Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on here in quite a while.. Im just dealing with stuff going on in my school specifically my classroom.. Why you may ask?.. Its because I have a massive pick me girl in my class.. Yes I have encountered one before but THIS ONE was.. Wow.. So i'll just explain, On the first day of school (the actual school year not summer school) I was just at my desk everyone seemed chill which I vibe with till AGNES (<---the pick me) walked into the classroom.. She asked the teacher if this was Mrs.kelcys class (<---the teacher) Ms. Kelcy said yes and she sat INFRONT OF ME. which was ok whatever and my friend Vic, was next to Agnes to her right. Then Mrs.kelcy made us do this cringy presentation. and Agnes could have asked anyone else to present BUT.SHE.CHOSE.ME which ok fine so I said that stuff and then at break me and Vic were coloring and Agnes joins us she then tells us how SHE MARRIED HER CAT AND GOT IT ON VIDEO her exact words: I married my cat once, I got it on video and it was so cute. Me and Vic told her to stop because it was so weird then (Warnings: Animal abuse, Zoophile) She tells us she shoved PEBBLES UP HER DOGS ASS.. WHICH WAS WEIRD AS HELL me and Vic continued to tell her to stop cause like We have actual human decency and she atleast stopped but didn't stop talking.. Which was fine cause she wasnt saying anything Weird as hell.. Then she ended up having a crush on DJ (<---another student) and was SUPER obsessive over him she would draw him in her sketch books she would draw a heart with D + A on her sketch book.. Typically a fan girl over this poor kid.. And so far in the school year no matter HOW MUCH we told her to stop.. SHE KEPT GOING.. Saying the weirdest stuff KNOWN TO MAN.. Like one time she said Her exact words: I saw my grandmas butt once.. LIKE WHO WANTS TO KNOW THAT?.. And MY MOM DEFENDS HER AFTER I TOLD HER she said "oh well she might have some problems maybe she just dosn't know how to function in a school" WHO CARES SHE SHOULD KNOW NOT TO TELL PEOPLE SHE MARRIED HER CAT AND SHOVED ROCKS UP HER DOGS ASS... Yes.. This is honestly very weird.. and disgusting I feel so sick right now..

A pick me in my class
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