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Category: Life

you dont have to be meaningful

an old rant from my notes app

being forgotten by the world is both a blessing and a curse; same with being remembered.

being a nobody is great, you can do jackshit and get away with it, live a meaningless life and no one would even care. you would die and everyone who knew you, loved you, hated you, would also die.

being remembered is a hastle. spend your whole life doing meaningful things, wasting your precious time on achievement just so that tourists could snap a picture of your statue and leave, just so that students doodle on the pages of history books with your face, mocking you, judging you for the rest of eternity.

remembrance is meaningless, best to forget, be forgotten, fight for your life and die happy. dont make the effort, dont make a fool out of yourself, stop making comedy. experience the beauty of life and die.

id rather have everyone else leave me the fuck alone and live quietly with only the people i can stand. leaving marks on the world after you die is not gonna do anything. you're giving fame to a person you will no longer live as.

you will never have another life ever again, you wont have your own memory, you wont have an identity after you die. you'll be stuck in an endless void with no thoughts and feelings. you are given a gift, a free world to roam around in and do what you want to do. all you people do is restrict it. you bury it. you give it rules. you strip life of all its glory and waste it on useless, countless numbers.

i could become the most influential being on earth, but i wont. because ill never be able to live here again after i die. all that trouble for nothing, without even an ounce of enjoyment.

thats why dumb people rule the world, thats why smart people dont want to rule countries, they wouldnt waste their time fixing something so broken, theyd rather let it die.

being forgotten or considered as meaningless is not as bad as many make it seem. there are billions of people like you. it doesnt matter if the universe was created by design or by coincidence, the fact is - it exists and you are here. 

you weren't born to create things others want, you were born to create things YOU want.

you are the stardust from the beginning of the universe and you have a consciousness. treat your life as an opportunity, treat yourself as the rarest instance of life and birth.

dont be devoted to work and achievement.

dont be devoted to remembrance and history.

being devoted to yourself alone already gives you meaning. being devoted to yourself is called being alive.

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