name:: anything
how old are you:: old enough
zodiac sign:: taurus gemini cusp
current location:: home
eye color:: blue
hair color:: brown
hair type:: curly
hieght:: 5'3
your heritage:: white
what's your middle name:: louise
shoe's you wore today:: none. havent left my room yet today
your weakness:: redbull
your fear:: needles
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: yeah
do you want to:: no
goal you would like to achieve this year:: get accepted into college
first thought when you wake up:: why am i not at school
best physical feature:: my double chin
who is your bestest freind:: josiah
when is your bedtime:: 9-10 pm
your most cherished memory:: sitting out in the creek with jo and mello
pepsi or coke:: neither. le nasty
mc dondalds or burgerking:: neither
singel or group dates:: never had one
what is the last song you sang:: the heat - renard
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: yes
is your biggest pet peeve:: when someone wont stop fucking talking
do you drink:: naw
ever been drunk:: nope
do you smoke:: no
do you "SMOKE":: i have but not regularly
do you sing:: yea. major vocal stim
what color underwear do you have on:: lemme ask you a better question: how many women feel safe around you
do you want to go to college:: i do
have you ever been in love:: i think
do you wnat to get married:: yes
do you believe in yourself:: i'd say so
do you believe inothers:: i do
do you like thunderstorms:: yes, but i dont like the pain they bring me
do you play an instrument:: no
what do you want to be when you grow up:: anthropologist
what country would you like to visit:: indonesia
how many CD's do you own:: 685
how many DVD's do you own:: a caseful
how many tattoo's do you have:: none
how many piercings do yo have:: 2
how many things in the past do you regeret:: a couple of things
shoes:: my converses
radio station:: tally rock radio
drink:: juneberry redbull
car:: dodge challenger
place:: new york, specifically battery park
song:: on line malaysia - susumu hirasawa
movie:: akira
moment:: the beginning of the movie where the guy walks into the bar. the whole atmosphere is so good
color:: orange
meal:: mellow mushroom's magic mushroom soup
what is todays date:: 9/16/2024
what time is it:: 12:20 pm
who are you thinking of:: ruben, the guy in my ceramics class. hate that i cant accompany him today, since im home sick
what are you listening to:: nothing, im watching akira
do you love someone:: yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: not entirely sure what this question is asking
does someone love you:: yes
is it raining:: no, its a sunny day out i think
how many myspace friends do you have:: 45 (that number is about to go down anyway)
are you happy:: yes
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myspace survey (done again, a year l8r)
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