ANY Tim Burton films! Thought i would suggest Edward scissor hands, the nightmare before christmas, corpse bride, miss perigines home for peculiar children, alice in wonderland, sweeney todd, frankenweenie and beetlejuice!!! The movies can be found on disney+, at least most of them. if you dont know where to find them ill write some websites at the bottom! (the movies are very gothic-ish style and 70s-80.)
Invader zim enter the florpus An invader zim movie! it isfunny and silly, not a lot like the series, but still one of my favorities! i dont think i'd have to explain since i expect all of u to know who THE invader zim is, if not you can search the trailer!! i promise its so good. Its on netflix! (And if u cant find it ill write sites at the bottom)
Orphan A horror movies about an orphan named Esther being adopted into the perfect family. Two parents and three kids. But Esther is getting bullied, so she took revenge, and hurt one of them. soon enough she started killing small animals and teaching her "siblings" to do it too. it ends horrible. its very good made, erie and a little bit gorey. (i cant find it on netflix, disney+ or youtube, so itll have to be a website)
Mary and the witches flower this is an anime, about a redheaded girl following a cat into a forest where she finds a flower, and she doesnt know the drastic adventures ahead of her! its such a good movie, about witches, betrayal and making fríends! (Its on netflix)
Nausicaä My absolute favorite movie ever! its about a girl in a world filled with monsters she constantly has to fight, its made in the 1980s, so expect it to be old but gold! its a GHIBLI MOVIE! its a great film for when you want to relax, but still looking for some excitement. (Its on netflix!)
Porco rosso Another ghibli movie, also one of tḿy recent favorites, its about a man who once turned into a pig and hes a pilot, saving people from pirates and so on. he meets a girl who he thinks wont help him at all but he gets silenced. its an AWESOME action movie and a tiny bit of romance. Its on netflix!!!
Websites: (Free movies and series but there are a lot of adds) (Free series and movies, not that many adds and sometimes none)
Movies2watch (Free series and movies, but some adds)
I cant guarantee that these websites are safe, but ive been using them for a long time, maybe 2-3 years and nothing bad has happened :)
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I also like Nausicaä (JAPANESE : 風の谷のナウシカ) and Porco rosso (JAPANESE : 紅の豚). Nausicaä in particular watched until the VHS tape wore out.
In Japan, It is a pity that Studio Ghibli movies are not distributed by internet...
Theyre not!?
by A.M; ; Report