
So.. Went to church for the first time ever. I hate it.
My family basically made me go; had to wake up at 8am, drive 40 minutes, and sit and listening to some guy love Jesus for a whole hour and a half, then just leave. It's nothing but annoying. I don't care about what the man is preaching, and don't even agree with half the things he said. AND the music is just annoying and FAR too loud. Some lady WOULDN'T stop shaking some bells the whole time...
Also, to clarify, I am not religious at all. I wouldn't even say I believe in God, or anything like that.
I just hated it so much. And we're now going EVERY SUNDAY? God, this is annoying.
I know for sure I'm gonna hate every Sunday when I wake up.

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Shack Man

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Yeah it's pretty annoying, thank God my family stopped pretending to even care about regular church service by the time I was like 11

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Yeah, it's so strange that we're just.. Randomly going, when we've never even went until now. Like, not even they are listening to the preacher - so what's the point??

by Cassie; ; Report

Lol so what is it just an excuse to get out of the house?

by Shack Man; ; Report

I dunno, guess so. It's so weird to drive 40 minutes just to listen to some guy yap and not even listen

by Cassie; ; Report