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Category: Life

Warning For all new friends

Just putting it out there, I am hardcore as fuck.

I do not give a fuck.

About being HR department "appropriate" with you, what your little moms told you how to act like with strangers.

I am cool as fuck and will probably not judge you unless you are a piece of shit, which I will tell you to your face, exactly, in what way, you are a piece of shit.

I also am not a NPC bot.

Like I said, I'm not some corporate HR department bot.

I say what the fuck I want to say. And if you hate that, unadd me.
I've had many people do it. People I thought were 100% awesome, and cool with me. People I did not judge at all.

People that promised me the world. Who I would never abandon.

Odds are, you're probably one of those people.

Leaving people in the dust and stamping them out to feel "safe" or whatever.

Go fucking join a corporation dude. Go be what your parents and your school made you to be. I promise this music shit/creative shit you're doing won't work out for you.

Artists who are truly remembered, are their own person, and everything that comes with that.

They wear their hearts on their sleeve, they are not sanitized little corporate worker drones.

They are not "safe" as deemed by your parents and HR department policed, worker drone friends.

"Dude but my friends are cool and different. They wear fucking rick owens and designer clothing, oh and some of my friends thrift."

Ok dude. I do not give a fuck. Stop being a try hard, you lame piece of shit.

No one cool has given a single fuck about brand names unless they were rappers. And you know why it's cool for rappers to do that shit? or atleast, was cool? cause they are probably black people from america, who were never allowed to wear that shit pre-1960. Now they're wearing designer brands from europe.

Yeah, thats a fucking statement. That's badass. Though, nauseating and exhausted at this point, I will admit.

Being a little fucking rich kid with a lot of money, or upper middle class having your grandparents buy you fucking designer brand shit for your birthday doesn't make you cool. Neither does going "thrifting" and posting about it all over social media to then sell it online for more than you got it is cool. It makes you more of a loser, actually. You god damn try hard.

So listen the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up and stop trying so hard.


Be cool. Stop being so god damn judgemental, when you're literally standing on no ground to judge on.

Money doesn't make you cool. Neither does followers or "fans"

Spacehey isn't some "fan/follower" website.

People aren't your fucking fans on here.

People are your "FRIENDS" notice, "FRIEND REQUEST"

I will fucking call you out on this, especially if you friend request me, and I post on your bulletin, and you have 800 "friends" and you don't respond to anyone on your bulletins, or answer DMs.

Ok, it's just fucking weird to think you're entitled to peoples undivided attention without giving any attention back, you entitled little brat. Ok? Are we fucking clear here?



Go fuck yourself and have a good time. Love you! :)👍

0 Kudos


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