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Scoliosis & ehlers danlos syndrome -

Hi! My name is Glitterbat.

This is my second blog in my health series, and today I will talk about my experience with scoliosis, and how it can be a symptom for ehlers danlos syndrome.

I have had signs of scoliosis since I was a kid. At the school nurse all of the students had to do a test that I absolutely hated, which is how I got the information that I had mild scoliosis. I went to school nurses all over the town I lived in. At the end of sixth grade they stopped and told me and my parents that it wasn't serious.

I went through multiple years with horrible back pain and didn't get any help. It effected my ability to do physical activities (which was also caused by other things, but my scoliosis did NOT help), which made me also not be able to participate in many of my hobbies, such as being a scout. The help I didn't get might have made it worse.

I got diagnosed with ehlers danlos syndrome this year, 2024, when I was still fifteen. Although I am very thankful that I got my diagnosis so young, I am still a bit upset that they didn't take my "possible" scoliosis seriously when I was younger. It could've helped me so much if they actually did something. But now I'm getting the help I need. At the very young age 16.

Now, why is scoliosis quite common for people with ehlers danlos syndrome? (main hEDS & cEDS) Well, as you might know, people with the more "common" EDS types have quite unstable joints and might dislocate them often (ligament laxity), aswell as having low muscle tone (muscle hypotonia). If you know about this it is not quite surprising. Instability in your back & spine is a part of these AND other types of EDS.

So, this is the end of my second blog post! I hope you enjoyed this very short story about my life & information about ehlers danlos syndrome. Have a gud day!!

Luts uf luv- Glitterbat ✮⋆˙

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