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Category: Life

Entry #3 update I guess???

Well I haven't written here in a long while, a lot in my life has happened and I just couldn't find the motivation, energy or honestly for the most part even time, I've been either tired, lazy overworked or just plain not feeling up to it so maybe it'll help if I just overlook how my life has been this past few weeks.

 Well to Begin with I lost like a truckload of friends (like 5 or smth) because of some things I would rather keep to myself, but yeah like you can Imagine losing a lot of friendships at once (some of which where as long as 5 or 6 years) can feel well shitty, mostly when its a few weeks before the end of your final schoolyear, but you know what they say you reap what you sow, so yeah I felt really down and I even considered skipping school for some days do to how unwell I would feel there, but honestly the experience was a really good growth opportunity and it helped me see which people really cared for me as a person and would be there for me in low moments making me value these people even more than I did before, oh and also it made me learn of my mistakes so I can improve and not make such stupid mistakes in the future, but yeah even though I have somewhat moved on it was not without great sadness, A friend of mine one of whom I considered my closest, valued highly and in the past year had grown into one of the most important people in my life Left me, I was left dumbfounded I couldn't believe it, of all the people I least expected it from him and it definitely was what affected me the most, not to say other people didn't, Another name comes to mind a creative and unique person that I had enjoyed a friendship with for the better part of the last 5 years, oh but that summed to the turmoil of the exams I was in and the added stress of a situation with a reappearing character of my life increased my growing self destructing thoughts and left me for some days in a very dark place, one which thankfully with the help of my friends I recovered rather quickly at least for the moment.

Besides that emotional turmoil I was also plagued (and still am) with exams, university, finals, and more just projects tests responsibilities and honestly it just gets tiring studying and helping friends with some of their things sometimes, trying to remain healthy and active (with eeeehh kind of mixed results) and besides all that being creatively and mentally blocked, this last few days I feel like I have my feeling sort of stuck and repressed so writing is a good way to spill out my guts in a healthy way,
anyway again I don't promise any updates soon but yeah, ill try to keep updating at least every once in a while, thanks for reading feel free to comment and the like

(by the way disclaimer I think is important im feeling way better now, its not perfect but im managing stuff in a better healthier way)

3 Kudos


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asia's profile picture

your writing is really nice! also losing friends and people may at first hurt and seem awful but you’ll soon begin to realise people who left you feeling no remorse at all youre better off without them, trust me you’ll find better people and youre trying your best so cheer up!

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Omg thank you for the support, yeah that's true if people left in that way they probably didn't cared that much to begin with

by H0mo_C1got0/R; ; Report

Youre welcome!!

by asia; ; Report