[--General Information - -]
* Starting Time:: 14:08
* Name:: luther / laurel
* Nicknames:: laurie, luth
* Colour of Eyes:: dark brown and mix of green
* Hair Colour:: dark brown
* Shoe Size:: 37?? i think??
* Brothers/ Sisters:: 1 lil bro and 1 lil sis
* If yes, Names:: what names
* Single or Taken?:: single,, not interested
* Zodiac sign:: Sagittarius
* colour:: like my skin color? im white
* Height:: 1,70 cm
* Braces?:: nope
* Current residence:: Village (did i understood the meaning-)
[--Do You Prefer--]
* Chocolate or vanilla?:: both!!!¡
* Hugs or kisses?:: hugss
* Scary movies or comedies:: both yayayaya
[--Things That Come To Mind--]
* School:: lunch break
* House:: my mama
* Best friends:: my online friends and 1 rl friend
* Fave Song?:: derealization by bambi baker
[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]
* Watched a movie?:: nope not yet!!
* Talked on the phone:: yep
* Cried:: yes
* Gone to the bathroom?:: yu uh
* Watched TV:: nah
* looked in the mirror:: yes
* taken a shower:: nope, i showered yesterday
* Listened to music?:: yeaa
* Hugged / kissed some1?:: hugged my dad yayayaya
[--Do You Believe In--]
* Heaven?:: yu uhh
* Hell?:: ye?
* Aliens?:: u might think im a ddumbassfor this BUT ULL NEVER KNOW IF ITS TRUEEE
* Love:: eh kind of
* Magic:: no but i wish i did
[--Some Random Stuff--]
* Are you listening to music now?:: yes...im at soneones wedding and there is blasting a VERY LOUD MUSIC FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT TURN IT OFFFFFFF
* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: black shorts
* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: CHEESE AND SAUSAGE
* Who Is your crush?:: none but if it was fictional crushes-
* Flower:: ALL OF THEM<33
[--More Random Questions--]:
* Mother's name?::
* Tattoos?: nopee
* Body piercing?: no
* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: i dont have a job
* Birthplace:: austria
* Favourite vacation spot?:: such a hard question..
* Ever been to Africa?:: no:<
* Stolen any traffic signs?:: well erm...
* Ever been in a car accident?:: no
* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: what does this mean???
* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4 door car
* Salad Dressing?: yumiess
* Favourite Pie?:: every pie that my mom makes uh
* Favourite Number?: 4
* Favourite Movie?: hard question..
* Favourite Colour?: GREEN!!!!! reminds me of nature
* Favourite Holiday?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
* Favourite day of the week?: saturday
* Favourite brand of body soap? Dove: i never look at brands-
* Favourite show?: TOO HARD ARHEHHDHJR
* Toothpaste?: idk if my dad bought me it im usin it
* Most recently read book?: idw sonic!!
* Favorite Smell?: lavenderr?? and the perfume that my dad uses on hims3fl
* What do you do to relax?: go outside and lay down on the grass,, sometimes I go up to the tree tho OR if I can't go outside I jst read a book or listen to music ig
* Favourite Fast Food?: eremrmermmm idk
* When was your last hospital VISIT?: 3 months ago
* Message to your friends reading this:: sending u all ghost hugs !!!!!! it means like u can't feel it but its right there hehe
* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dunno.
* What do you do when you are bored?: sports activities, read comics and othephygerr many things!! but mostly i go to my silly little world in my head
* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: any gifts will make me enjoy!!
* Furthest place you will send this message?: huh wuh whar
[-- Have You Ever - -]
* Faked being sick to miss school:: yes
* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: nah but want to try jt out
* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: nuh uh
* Been hurt emotionally:: yeah thank u mama
* Cried during a movie:: .. no (yes)
* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: YEYSYYEYSYYESSYEYSYYEYYSYSYEYYESYYSYES
* Been on stage:: yes
* Been sarcastic?:: yu uh
* summer/winter:: both!!
* cartoon characters:: there are so many fav characters..so no im lazy
* drink:: COLA!!!!
* food:: hot dogs nd any junk food ig!! healthy food are good too.. well some of them
* movie:: IDKKKK
* ice cream:: mint chip yuyum
* subject:: none🗣🗣
* animal:: all of em!!
* Color:: GREENN!!
* Day or night?:: both!!
* Number:: 4
* Letter:: F
* TV or Computer?:: puter
* Happy or Sad:: HAPPINESSSSS
[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]
* cried:: yea ok
* met someone new:: yep
* cleaned your room:: nope
* Drove a car:: nah
* Been pissed off:: no
[--Friends and Life--]
* Do you have a soul mate?:: no
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: no
* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: LATIF AND MY IMAGINARY FRENDS!!!!!!!!!
*When do u cry the most:: at night??
* The worst feeling in the world?:: jealousy and sadness
[--For everyone to fill inn --]
* Silver or gold:: both!!
* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset yayayaya
* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: yep
* Have any piercings?:: no
* If yes, what?:: glasses, vase and othe rthings
* Rain, sun or snow?:: all of em:3
* How is the weather?:: kinda cold
*Do u like cookies?:: YU UH
* Do you like pudding?:: yuppers!!!!
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