enirru >///<'s profile picture

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Category: Life

yap sesh abt an annoying biatch TW: SERWERSLIDE MENTIONED!!!

ok so, theres this grl in my skl who is so fucking annoying!!1 she basically told my frnd to khs and he attempted!!! (hes ok now dw) shes not even remorseful of her actions and is basically a giant narcissist 24/7, when my frnd attempted (BC OF HER) she was like the next day "i called the ambulance for him! im such a good person!!!" BITCH U TOLD HIM TO DO IT????? and PLUS she made him sound dangerous in the call w the popo so SEVEN ARMED POLICE OFFICERS TIED HIM DOWN!!!???? WTF????? also (w the same friend btw) always said directly to him "im scared ur gonna rpe me :((("  U DONT SAY THAT TO PPL WTF??????? like this bitch also lies abt the stupidest shit like "guys ive never eaten an apple before! do i eat the skinnnnn????" WERE ALL EATING THE SKIN RIGHT IN FRONT OF U, R U DENSE OR JUST BEING AN ATTENTION SEEKING BITCH LIKE USUAL? and also another annoying thing she does is say "dont you guys love how i say the most depressing shit and act cute after!?" OMG UR SO QUIRKY AND COOL >///< WE ALL SAY IN UNISON. THIS MF ALSO SAYS SHIT LIKE "MY MOM JS SPOKE TO ME IN A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT TONE THEN USUAL!!!!" OK BUT HAS SHE EVER BEATEN THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF U WHILE U WERE BEGGING AND SCREAMING FOR HER TO STOP??? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! like omg her mom is the sweetest soul ever bless her but fuck her daughter. this absolute DICKHEAD also thinks its cool to have a ton of different mental disorders! like tf u mean you have "bpd, adhd, ptsd, dyslexia and a tiny bit of autism" WDYM A LIL BIT? WHATS NEXT DO U ALSO HAVE THE PLAGUE? she also once told my friend "ur autism is on lvl 2! mine is on lvl 6!" TF U MEAN LVLS? THIS SHIT AINT A VIDEOGAME U SHOULDER MUNCHER!!!!! (autism the game sounds like a sick franchise tho). oh yh she also is always a fucking negative nelly who always complains abt being bullied at her old school (i wonder why). btw she also lied abt a girl rping her when she was the one SAing the girl. so uhhh yeah, shes a piece of shit and i might jump her soon!!! <3

(p.s. shes done more stuff too! might do a pt.2)

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M1lk's profile picture

Ah yes the Level 6 autism..

Seriously tho wtf is wrong with her??

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ALEX!!'s profile picture

she sounds like an annoying lil shit to deal with, im on ur side if u decide to punch her. stay safe soldier o7

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