My Tooth

I got a crown on one of my teeth. I got it done yesterday and they had to put like 5 shots in my mouth. It took like 5 different crown sizes before they were able to find the right size. When they finally got the right size and tried to use another one that was the same size to cement it on my tooth, that one got stuck on my tooth and it hurt so much to get it off. Like when they were trying to get it off, the numbing stuff was starting to were off. It sucked so much, and they finally got it off and used a different one and got in cemented. They told me that in 24 hours I would be able to eat normally and stuff but my mouth and lip hurts. My lip hurts and is like messed up from how hard my dentist was pulling on it and how long she was pulling it. Like I've been eating soft foods and stuff but oh my god, this shit hurts. 

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Abigblueworld's profile picture

A crown on your tooth? isn't that a bit, painful or unnerving to the bone?

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honestly i think thats a root canal ur thinkin about

by LuckyStarShooter; ; Report


by Abigblueworld; ; Report